Anok, वीगुनेटको 10 उत्तम छुट्टी क्षेत्रहरू र 20222222

लामो समयको लागि, यो बेगियोियो ट्रानडादबाट साइड ट्रिपहरूको बारेमा सुन्न असामान्य थियो। बारुियो छुट्टीको आकर्षणको सरासर नम्बर प्रदान गर्दछ जसले चाँडै नै कुनै पनि प्रकारको यात्रुको यात्रा गर्न सक्दछ, यो कल्पना गर्न गाह्रो थियो कि धेरै अधिक स्थानहरू भ्रमण गर्न बाहिर जान आवश्यक थियो। एनोक आए।

यो देखस्य शहर एक मनपर्दो बाउगुियो स्थानीयको बीचमा एक रुचाइएको दिन यात्रा गन्तव्य रहेको छ यद्यपि पर्यटकहरु द्वारा मुश्किलले अवलोकन गरे। अचानक, जब यसको फूल पार्कहरूको वरिपरिको बजले सामाजिक मिडियामा शोषण गर्यो, यस बुकोलिक शहर अप्रत्याशित रूपमा प्रख्यात थियो।

Ba 48 किलोमिटर उत्तरको उत्तरमा अवस्थित, एटोक दुई घण्टा ड्राइभ पछि पुग्न सकिन्छ। यहाँ प्राप्त गर्दै, सडकले सबै विधि प्रशस्त हुँदैछ जुन कि ड्राइभ सँधै सजिलो हुँदैन। यो निरन्तर zigzags र, उचाई को रूपमा, एक्सपोजर अक्सर एक मुद्दा हो। यद्यपि जसले घुमाउरो बाटोमा लिन्छन् र ठाडो चट्टानहरू एक इन्यायिकको साथ पुरस्कृत हुन्छ, सामान्यतया अविस्मरणीय, भाग्न सक्दैन।

यदि तपाईं चाँडै अतिशन छिट्टै हेर्नको लागि योजना गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने, यहाँ हुनुपर्दछ स्थानहरू मध्ये केही-देखिएको स्थानहरू साथै गतिविधिहरू (कुनै विशिष्ट अर्डरमा)।

यस गाईडमा के भयो?

महिमित सूर्योदय
उत्तरी ब्लूफेम फूल फार्म
हाउट को स्थान
सकुरा पार्क
पीएलए राजमार्ग प्रणालीको दोस्रो सबैभन्दा ठूलो बिन्दु
लुर्ड्स ग्रोटो (Wagangan Road गठन)
Osocan स्पेनिश ट्रेल
लोय ung ्गको रेस्टुरेन्ट
MT. टिमबेक
एटोक गाईड त्रिप
अधिक विचारहरू यूट्यूब पोस्टहरूमा पोष्टहरू:

महिमित सूर्योदय

र जब हामी महिमित राज्यको स्थिति दिन्छौं, हामी निर्जीव संकेत गर्छौं! हामीले देखेका सब भन्दा अनचेतिक सुषला मध्ये एक हुनु पर्छ। तपाईले देख्नुभयो, एल्खकलाई प्राकृतिक रूपमा पूर्वानुमान गरिएको वा मैन्युअल्ली terraged पहाडहरूमा, तपाईंलाई एक धेरै शानदार व्यन्त्रगत बिन्दुमा राख्दै। तपाइँ सबै आवश्यक छ – गर्नु भन्दा धेरै सजिलो भयो – चाँडै उठेको छ र सूर्यको किरणहरू टाढा टाढाको चुचुराहरूको भण्डारबाट बाहिर निस्किन्छ।

तपाईं अशूकमा धेरै दृष्टिकोणहरू पत्ता लगाउनुहुनेछ, जबकि विकल्पको हाम्रो खोजी सूर्योदय केकब्याक थियो, एउटा चट्टानको लागि उत्तम, यस कारणको लागि। यदि तपाईं भाग्यमानी हुनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईं पनि क्लाउडहरूको समुद्रको दृश्यलाई बिस्तारै ड्रइ king ्गको रूपमा व्यवहार गर्नुहुन्छ।

अर्को मनपर्दो सूर्योदय जाँच गर्नुहोस् क्षेत्र उत्तरी ब्ल्याम फ्लोम फार्म हो। बोल्दै …

उत्तरी ब्लूफेम फूल फार्म

यो जटिल रूपमा सिर्जना फूल फार्मले मुख्यधारा छुट्टीको नक्शामा एटकमा एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रकार्य खेल्यो। यो उनीहरूको बन्दीयगी गुलाबहरूको सामान्यतया चित्रहरू (गुलाब Cabbages (Insagamy साथै फेसबुक मा बारी, धेरै अधिक अधिक आगन्तुकहरु को चित्रण।

मेरो लागि, म फूलहरु सफा गर्छु। मेरो लागि यसले खुशी, सफलता, साथै धेरै समय संकेत गर्दछ। मौसममा विभिन्न राम्रा फूलहरू र यसले हाम्रो वरपरका र colors ्गलहरू साथै जीवनका साथै सजेर सँडको साथ प्रशंसा गर्दै। उत्तरी खिल फार्ममा हुने, खिल्लीको टावरको दाँत बीचको विशाल डाँठ बीच हिंड्ने कल्पना गर्नुहोस्। फूलहरूको अंशहरूको दृश्य दूरीमा हिमाउटहरूको सिल्हूटको दृश्यहरू हेराईले स्थायी रूपमा मेरो दिमागमा टाटेको छ।

यसको हस्ताक्षरकर्ता बढेको बेलुकाजहरू बृद्धि भएकी, के तपाईंले पनि लिली, हाइडेन्टर, लार्केपरहरू, साथै सूर्यमुखीहरू जस्ता विभिन्न प्रकारका वार्षिक फूलहरू पनि खोज्नुहोस्।

दुई कारणको लागि बिहान सबेरै बिहान सबेरै देख्नु उत्तम हो। एक, भीडलाई रोक्नको लागि। दुई, सूर्य रोक्न। चिसो छ जब उच्च स्थानहरूमा सनब्रुन्ट प्राप्त गर्न सजिलो छ, मात्र चिसो छ, मात्र हामी यो आदर्श महसुस गर्दैनौं। जे होस् यदि तपाईं 10 बजे बिहान: 00: 00 बिहान जाँच गर्न मद्दत गर्न सक्नुहुन्न भने, सूर्यलाई टोपी जस्तो, छायाँ, साथै छाता।

टिकट दर कफीको साथै रोटी / खाजा समावेश छ। यदि तपाईं रातमा राती रातभर बस्न योजना गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने, फूलको फार्मले पनि बस्ने ठाउँ प्रयोग गर्दछ – दुबै घरका साथै स्पेस विकल्पहरू।

ठेगाना: उत्तरी ब्लूफेम फूल फार्म, केएम 50 500, धर्मगुन्न, एल्जुट
खोल्ने समय:: 00: 00 बिहान: 3 :: 300 बेलुका (सोमबार – शनिवार); बन्द (आइतवार)। यो परिवर्तन हुन सक्दछ, त्यसैले अपडेटहरूको साथै अद्यावधिकहरूको लागि आधिकारिक फेसबुक पृष्ठ निरीक्षण गर्नुहोस्।
प्रवेश शुल्क: p250 (11–5 y / O); P200 (वरिष्ठ र आईडी संग pwd); P50 (-10-10 y / O); प्रशंसापूर्ण (O-5 y / O)

हाउट को स्थान

एटकमा अर्को फूलदान आकर्षणको स्थान हो, नगरपालिकाको चिसो कुनामा एक मध्ये एकमा टक भयो। उत्तरी फूल जस्तै, यो घर हो Snapdragons, Alstrograis, Alstroemaia, साथै Cosmos को साथ, विभिन्न र colors ्ग मा क्षेत्र को रूप मा। केहि तस्वीर क्षेत्रहरू पनि यस ठाउँमा स्थापना गरियो।

यसको फूलबाट टाढा, हाइटको स्थान त्यस्तै गरी क्याम्पिंगको लागि साथै प्रि-न्यूप्टियल शुटका लागि खुला छ। यसले रातमा रहनको लागि छनौटहरू (Cabins) को लागि लीज गर्दैछ। साथै यदि तपाईं त्यो ठाउँ जाँच गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने, प्राथमिक भवनमा क्याफे छ।

ठेगाना: हाइटको ठाउँ, पाओ, एल्जुट, वीगुन
खुल्ला घण्टा:: 00:00 बिहान: 5:00 बेलुका (दैनिक)। नियमित परिवर्तन गर्न सक्दछ, विशेष घटनामा वा व्यक्तिगत जीमा निर्भर गर्दछathering reservations, so inspect the official Facebook page of Haight’s location for the announcements.
Entrance Fee: P150 (Regular); P100 (Senior); P50 (8-12 y/o); complimentary (7 y/o as well as below). note that these rates include entrance to Sakura Park, environmental Fee, as well as maintenance Fee.

सकुरा पार्क

Did you understand that the Philippines has its own cherry blossom park? It’s located just next to Haight’s Place! According to our guides, the Sakura Park is a totally separate entity. Haight’s location is privately owned, charging an entrance fee, while the Sakura Park is public as well as is easily accessible for FREE. however since they’re so close to every other, a lot of visitors error the two as a single attraction.

Located in Barangay Paoay, the Sakura Park is where they planted the cherry trees gifted in 2016 by Japan’s Kochi Prefecture as well as the Japanese embassy to the province of Benguet. They provided a overall of 40 trees in event of their 40 years of friendship, however only 34 blossomed.

Why here? The regional government of Atok selected this area since it satisfies the environmental conditions needed for sakura to bloom. however of course, it is seasonal.

If you desire to see them in full bloom, it can get difficult since it’s all about timing it right. When we checked out in early March, the trees were bare. Our guides stated they must bloom in late March to April, depending upon the rain. as well as when they do, they normally just last for a week or two, just like other varieties of sakura. Regardless, the park has other flowering plants scattered around the site.

By the way, to handle your expectations, these trees are a bit little (more like huge shrubs than trees).

Address: Sakura Park, Barangay Paoay, Atok, Benguet
खुल्ला घण्टा:: 00:00 बिहान: 5:00 बेलुका (दैनिक)। The routine may change, depending upon special event or personal gathering reservations, so inspect the official Facebook page of Haight’s location for the announcements.
Entrance Fee: FREE.

पीएलए राजमार्ग प्रणालीको दोस्रो सबैभन्दा ठूलो बिन्दु

Located along Halsema highway in Barangay Paoay, Atok utilized to hold the title of the greatest point in the Philippine highway System at the altitude of 7,400 feet (2,255 meters) above sea level. It clung to that record from world war II up until 2019, when a new greatest point was proclaimed. Today that distinction is held by a area at about 7,968 feet (2,429 meters) along the Kiangan-Tinoc-Buguias road in the municipality of Tinoc in Ifugao.

Although the crown has been snatched, it still stays a deserving stop; thanks to sensational view of the craggy landscape below. Tourists (presumably on the method to or from Sagada as well as Bontoc) still decrease by to take pictures with the old signage.

Location: KM52, Halsema Highway, Paoay, Atok, Benguet

लुर्ड्स ग्रोटो (Wagangan Road गठन)

Sticking out in the middle of a huge area of vegetable terraces, the Wagangan rock Formations secure the Lourdes Grotto, likewise understood as the Bosleng Grotto. concealed atop a peculiar stack of gigantic rocks, it is difficult to miss if you’re coming from Haight’s location or Sakura Park.

From the jump off point or auto parking area, you’ll requirement to take a short hike, past gardens as well as vegetable fields. however don’t worry, the path isn’t that long or that steep.

Fronting the entrance of the grotto is a humble open-air chapel decorated with a basic rock altar as well as a cross. inside is a statue of Our woman of Lourdes. It is a working chapel as well as Mass is held right here regularly, according to our guide.

The rock formations likewise cradle two viewpoints, one at the extremely top as well as and one more just below it. Tourists can climb the rocks to appreciate the breathtaking views of the fields as well as the mountains beyond. however we discovered the lower lookout to be much better. If you choose to go all the method to the top, be cautious on the steep method down.

Address: Our woman of Lourdes Bosleng Grotto, Paoay, Atok, Benguet
Opening Hours: Wayangan rock formation 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM (Daily); Lourdes Grotto Gates 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Saturdays). The routine may modification without prior notice. You may get in touch with the Atok tourism office for the current announcements.
Entrance Fee: P120/head


Along the winding Halsema highway (Baguio-La Trinidad-Bontoc Road), a 50-meter half-tunnel (with 3.8 meters height clearance) has ended up being one of Atok’s prominent attractions. After Typhoon Trining devastated the region, washing out the road in the area, the only viable choice for road building was to carve out this significant rocky outcrop producing a natural half-tunnel.

Coming from Baguio, you will pass with the half tunnel just before reaching Atok Municipal Hall as well as Atok vacationer center in Sayangan. A few feet away from the half tunnel, there’s a restroom as well as some shops. You can park right here if you want to stop for photos.

Location: Halsema half Tunnel, Halsema Highway, Atok, Benguet

Osocan स्पेनिश ट्रेल

The Osocan Spanish path (or often just Spanish Trail) was part of the complex network of equine as well as foot tracks utilized by the Spaniards centuries ago. likewise called the Salt Trail, this was the path utilized to transfer salt throughout the region. Back in the day, right here in the highlands, salt is extremely precious.

According to our guide, the path stretches for 2-3 kilometers, featuring three man-made tunnels or caves carved with significant rocks.

There are really two trailheads — the much easier downward path as well as the upward path. The descending route’s trailhead is found near the Sakura Park area, while the ascending route’s trailhead is found between KM46 as well as KM47 (Landmark: JNB Diesel Station).

लोय ung ्गको रेस्टुरेन्ट

Located along Halsema Highway, somewhere between the half tunnel as well as the northern blossom flower Farm, Loyung’s restaurant is a prominent roadside rest as well as dining stop for travelers, particularly those heading to or coming from Sagada or Bontoc. It has a significant auto parking great deal as well as a spacious dining area.

It serves budget-friendly Filipino dishes with fairly bigger servings compared to the normal roadside eateries. We tried sinigang na ulo ng baboy (pig’s head in sour soup), chopseuy, as well as fried liempo (pork belly).

For desserts, we had custard cake as well as egg pie. According to them, the bestseller is the custard cake, however the team liked the egg pie better.

Address: KM49, Halsema Highway, Atok, Benguet
Opening Hours: 7:30 AM – 8:30 PM (Monday – Friday, Sunday); 6:00 AM – 8:30 PM (Saturdays)

MT. टिमबेक

At over 2700 meters above sea level, Mt Timbak is the third greatest mountain in Luzon. (Nearby Mt. Pulag as well as Mt. Tabayoc are very first as well as second respectively.) as well as yes, you can gain access to it from Atok. (You can see its summit from the second greatest Point.)

When we were checking out the town, our motorist Kuya Bobby extremely suggested it to us for our future trip. We didn’t get to climb it then since we didn’t have time, it wasn’t in our itinerary, as well as we weren’t even sure if it was open. (The town was just starting to reopen when we visited.)

The path to the top, they say, is punctuated by the stations of the Cross. Needless to say, the summit affords a majestic view. likewise close-by is the site of the Cave Mummies of Timbak.

एटोक गाईड त्रिप

While lots of tourists go directly to attractions, we extremely motivate you to decrease by the Atok tourism office (within the Municipal Hall complex) to register, pay the environmental fees, as well as hire a excursion guide. This way, not only do you make a much better comprehending of every stop, you likewise get to assist the regional excursion guides as well as drivers.

If you are thinking about booking a guided tour, right here are your options. The rates are inclusive of guide as well as transportation within Atok, however special of entrance fees.

P1,500 (Good for 5 pax)
– Sakura Park
– Lourdes Grotto
– 2nd greatest Point

P2,200 (Good for 6 pax)
सकुरा पार्क
– Lourdes Grotto
– 2nd greatest Point
– Spanish Trail

Co-written with Yosh Dimen
Photos by Yosh Dimen & Asta Alvarez

2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣2️⃣ • 4️⃣ • 1️⃣1️⃣

More ideas on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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