Scuba Diving in Cozumel, Mexico: A complete guide

If you take pleasure in a bit of underwater exploration, you’ll want to add diving in Cozumel to your trip to Mexico. In this post, we’ll take a closer look in any way things related to scuba diving in Cozumel.

The island of Cozumel is absolutely one of the best places for scuba diving in Mexico. here you can go diving in the Mesoamerican barrier Reef, the world’s 2nd largest barrier reef system. 

It’s part of a protected marine park with excellent walls of coral and a lot more than 500 species of fish. You might see turtles, sharks, and eagle rays here in addition to all the tropical fish like the endemic splendid toadfish.

Even distinguished explorer Jacques Cousteau declared the island of Cozumel to be a world-class diving destination when he checked out back in 1961. Diving in Cozumel really is an extraordinary experience!

Diving is just one of the lots of extraordinary things to do in Cozumel, and if you’re travelling to Mexico, getting under the water must absolutely be on your list. 

I recently spent a week diving Cozumel with scuba Tony and I spent a lot more than 12 hours underwater around the island. I met up with some local Padi instructors and spoke with the owners of dive shops to make sure I had all of the information right for this post.

I’ve spent a lot of time diving in Mexico and particularly around the Yucatan Peninsula and I have to say that (in my opinion) Cozumel diving is some of the best in Mexico.

Read on for a in-depth guide to scuba diving on this sensational island in the Yucatan. I’ll cover the best time to visit, average costs, normal marine life, some of the best dive sites, top scuba company and a lot more.

सामग्रीको तालिका
When to Go Diving in Cozumel
Best Dive sites in Cozumel
Cost of Diving in Cozumel
How Deep Are The Dive sites in Cozumel?
Where to stay When Diving in Cozumel
Cozumel Dive Shops
How to get to Cozumel
Hyperbaric Chambers in Cozumel
Ready to Go Diving in Cozumel?

When to Go Diving in Cozumel

Cozumel scuba diving is great year-round.

I checked out Cozumel in the carry season of late April and early May, but you can really come here for diving any time of the year. There really isn’t a bad time to go scuba diving in Cozumel!

That being said, some months are absolutely better than others depending on what you want to see.

The water is quite warm and pleasurable in all seasons, normally between 78 and 82ºF (25 and 28ºC). While the water is always nice, the temperatures on land can be downright stifling during the summer months.

July to October is also hurricane season here, so you must take that into consideration.

The risk is lower in the summer months but much higher in September and October. One benefit of traveling to Cozumel in the offseason is that prices are lower and crowds are much smaller.

The height season for diving Cozumel is between December and March. While this is a great time to be on the island weather-wise, it’s also expensive and crowded. absolutely be sure to book in development at this time, especially between Christmas and new Year’s.

A sweet spot for scuba diving in Cozumel is between March and April, when crowds start to thin out but the rain has yet to arrive.

The exception is Semana Santa (Holy Week) festival, which is a mini-peak season for locals. See our guide to the best time to visit Mexico.

Cozumel Diving Seasons

January – April
May – August
September – December

Sea Temperature
77°-79°F / 25°-26°C
Sea Temperature
78°-86°F / 26°-30°C
Sea Temperature
77°-84°F / 25°-28°C

January – February is still generally clear skies and cooler temperatures. It starts warming in March-April.
May and June the weather starts heating up and in the summer you can expect quick bursts of rain.
August to October have the highest probability of hurricane, but December has great weather.

This is a great season to see sharks, particularly from January to March when you can also see bull sharks (closer to Playa del Carmen).
July and August are other high months for shark spotting! You won’t see bull sharks at this time, but there are plenty of reef sharks.
From November to December the bull sharks return and give you the opportunity to dive with them.

Between the months of January to April, you can see the most eagle rays. You always have a high chance of seeing brown stingrays in the sand.
July & August are also the second-best seasons to see the beautiful eagle rays. As always you’ll see plenty of other rays too.
September – December isn’t the best months to see eagle rays, but you’ll still see plenty of brown identified rays and other species.

You can’t really dive in Cozumel without seeing कछुवा!
Cozuarl मा टूनहेड छुट्टि sung ्ग मौसम गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।
हो। तपाईंले यस मौसममा प्रत्येक डाइभमा हरियो कछुवा देख्नुहुनेछ!

वर्षको प्रत्येक महिना डाइभि ding र असाधारण कोरल गठनहरू देखाउनको लागि ठूलो छ र यो मौसम फरक छैन।
कोरल पिननेकहरू अझै पनि मे-अगस्टमा उत्कृष्ट हुनेछन् र समुद्रलाई एउटा भिजुइट बिना डुबुल्कीमा न्यानो हुन्छ।
पानी फेरि अक्टोबरमा चिसो हुन थाल्छ तर माछा र कोरल उही रहन्छ, सबै शानदार, स्वस्थ, र जीवन्त।

Cozumel मा सर्वश्रेष्ठ डाइभ साइटहरू

CoZume स्कूबा डाइभिंग यति लोकप्रिय छ किनकि त्यहाँ छनौट गर्न को धेरै गोता साइटहरु छन्। त्यहाँ सबै स्तरहरूको गोडा वरिपरि 20 भन्दा बढी साइटहरू छन्। तपाईं सजिलैसँग यो अविश्वसनीय टापुमा डाइभिंगको वरिपरि तपाईंको सम्पूर्ण यात्रा योजना गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ।

कोज्म डाइभ साइटहरू सामान्यतया बिस्तारै हालको थोरै हुन्छन्, तर सामान्यतया, तपाईं हालको साथ प्रवाह गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ (तपाईंको समूहको साथ) र डु boat ्गाको अन्य अन्तमा।

शुरुवातकर्ताहरूले रंगीन रीफहरू प्रस्तुत गर्ने उथले साइटहरूमा रमाइलो गर्दछ, जबकि धेरै अधिक उन्नत गोप्यताहरू पौडी खेतमा केही रोमाञ्चकारी बहाव छाप्न सकिन्छ। ननवर्करको रूपमा ट्याग गरेर पानीमुनिको विश्वको अपीलमा रिंगवाटर विश्वको अपीलमा खुशी हुन सक्छ।

यदि यसले गोन्ट साइटहरूको सर्तमा समझदारी बनाउँछ भने, तपाईंको गैर-डाइभि chnower महत्वपूर्ण अन्यले अन्य पहिचान गर्न सक्दछ र स्नोर्कल

उस्ट लाइभहरू यहाँ गहिराइमा माझको दायरा 35 36 मीटरहरू – meters 36 मिटर, तथापि, 2 Meters मिटरहरूमा सबैभन्दा बढी टाढा। एक उन्नत खुला पानी प्रमाणीकरणको साथ गोताफियाइफिकेस कोजेलमा सबै भन्दा राम्रो डुबुल साइटहरूमा रमाइलो गर्न सक्षम छ।

यहाँ Cozarul मा सबै भन्दा राम्रो डुबुल साइटहरु छन् कि तपाईं याद गर्न सक्नुहुन्न:

1. प्यालानर रीफ्स

गहिराई: 9 मिटर – 36 36 मिटर (-0-120 फिट)

अनुभव स्तर: शुरुवात-मध्यवर्ती

हालको: हल्का-मजबूत

यो Cozumel मा dive दृश्य को तारा मानिन्छ। यो वास्तवमा चार सेक्सनहरू – गुफा, ईंटहरू, हट्ुरू, र बगैंचामा विभाजित गरिएको छ। यी फरक साइटहरूले सबै स्तरहरूको बेस्टको लागि केहि प्रस्ताव गर्दछ।

चार फरक साइटहरू बीच, तपाईं 9 मिटर – meters 36 मिटर (to0 देखि 120 फिट) बीचको गहिराईको अनुभव देखाउन सक्नुहुन्छ। त्यहाँ अविश्वसनीय कोरल संरचना, रंगीन स्पन्गहरू, रंगीन स्पन्गहरू, र धेरै आकर्षक समुद्री जीवनका छन्। तपाईं समुद्री कछुवाहरू, नर्स शार्कहरू, र एक धेरै यहाँ देख्न सक्नुहुन्छ।

मेरो भर्खरको यात्रा डाइभिंग कोजगालमा, म यहाँ सबै साइटहरू ढुकुरमा डुबाउँछु र प्यालानर रीफहरू यस टापुमा मनपर्ने थिए। विशेष गरी प्यालाभर गुफाहरू जहाँ तपाईं कोरल रीफमा विशाल कवचहरू आफैंमा पौडी खेल्न सक्नुहुनेछ।

यदि तपाइँ तपाइँको गोबुर पसल सोध्नुहुन्छ भने राम्रो कोज्म डाइभ साइटहरू हो, तिनीहरूले सम्भवतः plalanceer plasncarner सूचीबद्ध गर्दछ।

2. कोलम्बिया भित्ता

गहिराई: 1 meters मिटर – 36 36 मिटर (-0-120 फिट)

अनुभव स्तर: मध्यवर्ती

वर्तमान: अप्रत्याशित

विशाल कोरल पिननेलहरू यहाँ हाइलाइट हुन्, केहि तलबाट peet0 फिट (20 मिटर) बढ्दै। तपाईं केहि गहिरो पौडी र पर्खाल डाइभिंगमा खुशी लिन सक्नुहुन्छ। समुह, कछुवा, कछुवाहरू, र हुनसक्छ यस अपरिवर्तनीय डायइट साइटमा पनि ग्रुप शार्कहरू पनि।

मैले कोलम्बिया भित्तामा गोबर भित्ताको रूपमा ढुकुर गरें जुन शानदार थियो किनकि सूर्यले भित्ता खोलेर झल्काउँछ र केही शानदार र colors ्गहरू सिर्जना गर्दछ।

यदि तपाईं कोलम्बिया भित्तामा डुब्नुहुन्छ भने, म यसलाई 2 ट्या tank ्कको रातको डाइभिंगको रूपमा गर्न सिफारिस गर्दछु, त्यसैले पहिलो डुबुल सूर्यास्तको लागि भित्तामा छ, र तपाईंको दोस्रो डाइभल एक नजिकको रात डाइभ हुन सक्छ (अत्यधिक सिफारिस गरिएको)।

Shage। सान लोफेन्ट

गहिराई: 10 मिटर – meters0 मिटर (-0 -98 meet फिट)

अनुभव स्तर: उन्नत

वर्तमान: मजबूत

यो 2 टूट टु टु टु टुल्ड र राती डाइभ र राती डाइभ अफ मेरो दोस्रो डुबुल्की थियो र यो शानदार थियो। तपाईं यसमा करीव meters0 मिटर तल जान सक्नुहुन्छ तर हामी लगभग 20 मा बस्यौं जुन दिनको दोस्रो दिउँसो थियो।

म एक रातको डुबुल्कीको रूपमा सान लोड्रिलेन्ट गर्न सिफारिस गर्दछु। जनावरहरू यस चट्टानमा खेल्न बाहिर आउँदछन् र यो एक शानदार शो हो!

हामीले scho अक्टोपसलाई देख्यौं, एक नर्स शार्क, एलीहरू, एलीहरू, खैरो परिधिकालीन स्टि ing ्गहरू, र सबै भन्दा राम्रो, एक विशाल ईगल रे “मा उडेको छ!

यदि तपाईंले मौका पाउनुभयो भने, तपाईंको गोब्युप शपलाई 2-ट्या tank ्क सैनदारहरू र कोलम्बियाको गाँठ घुमाउन लगाउन सोध्नुहोस्। यी मेरो मनपर्ने जोडी थिए।

नोट: Cozumel मा डाइभिंगका लागि धेरै स्पटहरू जस्तै त्यहाँ हाल हाल छ। जब मैले सान क्लेमन्टेन्टेन्ट रातको डु .्गा गरें यो एकदमै बलियो थियो। यदि तपाईं शक्तिशाली कन्टेन्टहरू प्रयोग गर्नुहुन्न भने, तपाईंको डाइरो पसललाई थाहा दिनुहोस् ताकि तिनीहरूले तपाईंलाई यहाँ लिनु अघि परिस्थितिहरू जाँच गर्न सक्दछन्।

Al। कोलम्बिया पिननलहरू

गहिराई: meters मिटर – me0 मिटर (-0 -98 meet फिट)

अनुभव स्तर: शुरुवात-मध्यवर्ती

हालको: एमild

Like Palancar, there are quite a few dive sites all around the Columbia Reefs. The Columbia Pinnacles were another one of my favorite dive sites because, like Palancar, they had fantastic coral crests jutting up from the seafloor.

There are plenty of swim-throughs and it’s a relatively easy dive.

On the day I went, there was no current in any way and even if there was, there are plenty of places on the leeward side of the pinnacles to rest and regroup, making it a great place for beginners.

5. Columbia Shallows

Depth: 8 meters – 14 meters (26-50 feet)

Experience Level: Beginner

Current: Mild 

I dove the Columbia Pinnacles and Columbia Shallows in one day as part of a 2 tank dive day and it was fantastic.

We had a bit of current in the shallows but it wasn’t bad and it was incredibly kicked back to just drift over the corals at a shallow depth; the best shallow dive after the deeper pinnacles.

We saw lots of turtles on this dive, too lots of lobsters to count and I found a small reef shark sleeping under a coral overhang which generally made my day on the water.

6. Punta Sur Reef

Depth: 27 meters – 39 meters (90-130 feet)

अनुभव स्तर: उन्नत

वर्तमान: अप्रत्याशित

This next one is for a lot more advanced divers. It reaches down to depths of 130 feet (30 meters) and is split into two sections. The southern part has an incredible chamber called the Cathedral while the northern part features a cave formation known as the Devil’s Throat. 

7. Chankanaab Reef

Depth: 10 meters to 15 meters (35-50 feet)

Experience Level: Beginner

Current: Mild

This is an exceptional spot for some diving in Cozumel for beginners. It’s an easy, shallow dive that’s normally completed as a 2nd dive on a trip.

All the cracks and crevices in the coral here indicate lots of interesting marine life — lobster, identified moray eels, crab, and even the endemic splendid toadfish. 

8. C-53 Shipwreck

Depth: 15-30 meters (50-98 feet)

Experience Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Current: Moderate

The C-53 isn’t an massive wreck, but it is one of my favorite shipwrecks I’ve done and it is absolutely the best (most popular) on Cozumel. What I loved about it was that it was completely upright, making it easy to navigate the dark hallways.

That’s right, you get to penetrate this wreck and it’s amazing!

If you’re a beginner to an intermediate diver, you’ll only be able to enter the upper level of the ship which sits at about 20 meters (65ft), but for advanced deepwater divers, you can go a level deeper into the vessel at around 30 meters (98ft).

If you’re scuba diving Cozumel and you want to visit a wreck dive, the C-53 must be at the top of your list.

9. Paradise Reef

Depth: 10-18 meters (32-59 feet)

Experience Level: Beginner

Current:  Moderate

This was the second dive that I did ideal after the C-53 Wreck and it’s one of the most popular dive sites in Cozumel thanks to the shallow, easy-to-follow reef system here.

In my opinion, Paradise Reef has some of Cozumel’s best soft coral formations with lively colors and lots of sea life. check under every little nook and cranny to find hiding fish, lobsters, and often nurse sharks.

10. Tormentos

Depth: 15-18 meters (50-60 feet)

Experience Level: Intermediate-Advanced

वर्तमान: मजबूत

Tormentos is another one of the most popular dive sites in Cozumel thanks to its bright colorful coral and abundance of turtles snacking on the reef. I think we identified 3 turtles during my dive at Tormentos.

Out of all of the dive guides I talked to, quite a few of them said that Tormentos was their favorite chilled dive site and I could see why. a lot of agree that Palancar is the best overall, but Tormentos often comes as a close second.

The current can be quite strong here, so be prepared for that, but

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